Really great tips!
I had a facial done for the first time a few days ago and I can’t believe it took my 20 years to do so.
Facials are ideal once a month, but since they can be pricey I would say bi-monthly. The reasoning behind getting a monthly facial is because the outer most later of visible skin (stratum corneum) completely renews itself every 28 days. Throughout these 28 days your skin cells are constantly reproducing from the treated cells in order to replace the old ones. Getting a facial is a great way to give your skin a head start to this process. Your skin will replicate healthier cells which lead to flawless skin and a healthy complexion.
Why spend money on a facial instead of using over the counter products?
Most skin products take at least 4-6 weeks to start showing any signs of improvement. Since facials speed up the skin…
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